Mobile Device Exploitation Cookbook
Prashant Verma Akshay Dixit更新时间:2021-07-14 11:18:15
最新章节:NFC-based attacks封面
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Chapter 1. Introduction to Mobile Security
Installing and configuring Android SDK and ADB
Creating a simple Android app and running it in an emulator
Analyzing the Android permission model using ADB
Bypassing Android lock screen protection
Setting up the iOS development environment - Xcode and iOS simulator
Creating a simple iOS app and running it in the simulator
Setting up the Android pentesting environment
Setting up the iOS pentesting environment
Introduction to rooting and jailbreaking
Chapter 2. Mobile Malware-Based Attacks
Analyzing an Android malware sample
Using Androguard for malware analysis
Writing custom malware for Android from scratch
Permission model bypassing in Android
Reverse engineering iOS applications
Analyzing malware in the iOS environment
Chapter 3. Auditing Mobile Applications
Auditing Android apps using static analysis
Auditing Android apps a using a dynamic analyzer
Using Drozer to find vulnerabilities in Android applications
Auditing iOS application using static analysis
Auditing iOS application using a dynamic analyzer
Examining iOS App Data storage and Keychain security vulnerabilities
Finding vulnerabilities in WAP-based mobile apps
Finding client-side injection
Insecure encryption in mobile apps
Discovering data leakage sources
Other application-based attacks in mobile devices
Launching intent injection in Android
Chapter 4. Attacking Mobile Application Traffic
Setting up the wireless pentesting lab for mobile devices
Configuring traffic interception with Android
Intercepting traffic using Burp Suite and Wireshark
Using MITM proxy to modify and attack
Analyzing traffic and extracting sensitive information from iOS App traffic
Configuring traffic interception with iOS
WebKit attacks on mobile applications
Performing SSL traffic interception by certificate manipulation
Using a mobile configuration profile to set up a VPN and intercept traffic in iOS devices
Bypassing SSL certificate validation in Android and iOS
Chapter 5. Working with Other Platforms
Setting up the Blackberry development environment and simulator
Setting up the Blackberry pentesting environment
Setting up the Windows phone development environment and simulator
Setting up the Windows phone pentesting environment
Configuring traffic interception settings for Blackberry phones
Stealing data from Windows phones applications
Stealing data from Blackberry applications
Reading local data in Windows phone
NFC-based attacks
更新时间:2021-07-14 11:18:15