Leo Goes to the Ocean

Leo and his friends were at Kim's house. Kim was showing her photo albumalbum n. 相薄.

“This is me at the beach, ” said Kim.

“There you are swimming in the oceanocean n. 海洋, ” said Andy. “I wish I could go to the beach, ” he added. “I've never seen the ocean.”

“We can go to the ocean, ” said Leo.

“RK-5 can take us there! ”

“Yes I can, ” said RK-5. “I can also teach you how to swim underwaterunderwater adv.在水下.”

“Yes! Let's go, ” said Sam. “It will be fun.”

RK-5 told Leo to press 15-3-5-1-14 x 7 on his number pad. After Leo pressed the buttons, there was a flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.

The next second, they were all on a little red boat. The boat was bobbingbob v.使上下快速摆动 on the ocean. The sun was shining brightly.

They could see the seashoreseashore n. 海滨;海岸 in the distancedistance n. 远处;远方.

RK-5 told them they would find swimsuitswimsuit n. 游泳衣 and diving equipment in the cabin.

“Change quickly, ” said RK-5. “We're going diving! ”

After they changed, RK-5 taught them how to use the diving equipmentequipment n. 设备. He explainedexplain v. 解释;说明 that each of them needed a diving buddybuddy n. 同伴.

“Sam and Lucy will be buddies. Kim and Andy will be buddies. Taffy and Bongo will be buddies, ” said RK-5.

“What about me? ” said Leo. “I don't have a diving buddy! ”

“Don't worry, ” said RK-5. “I will be your buddy. Let's dive! ”

One by one, they jumped into the water. The water was warm. Soon they were all swimming gracefullygracefully adv. 优雅地 underwater. They couldn't speak to each other underwater. They used hand signals to communicatecommunicate v. 交流.

Leo and his friends saw many pretty fish. They also saw beautiful coralcoral n. 珊瑚 and sea plants. A green turtleturtle n. 海龟 came to say hello. They followed RK-5, who pointed out crabs and lobsterslobster n. 龙虾 in the rocks.


Proverbs are the daughters of daily experience.


Lucy tapped Sam on the shouldershoulder n. 肩膀. She wanted to show her two pretty sea horses.

They reached some pointedpointed adj. 尖的;尖头的 rocks. Leo signaled for everyone to stop. There was a big jellyfishjellyfish n. 水母 ahead. If they swam into it, someone would get a very painful stingsting n. 叮伤;蜇痛.

They stayed near the pointed rocks and watched all the colorful fish swim around them. A spotted eeleel n. 鳗鱼 poked its head from a hole in the rocks. The eel had never seen such strange creaturescreature n. 生物.

Suddenly, they each felt something slippery slide around their waistswaist n. 腰部. They were all draggedrag v. 拽;拉 into the seaweed. A big, blue octopusoctopus n. 章鱼 had caught each of the friends in her long tentaclestentacle n. 触须.

Everyone soon realizedrealize v. 认识到;意识到 that she was a friendly octopus. They looked through the seaweedseaweed n. 海藻 and saw a huge sharkshark n. 鲨鱼 swimming near the pointed rocks. The octopus had saved them from the dangerous shark.

They waited with the octopus until the shark swam away. Then suddenly, four playful dolphinsdolphin n. 海豚 appearedappear v. 出现;显现. The dolphins took the little buddies on their backs. The dolphins then swam swiftlyswiftly adv. 迅速地 to the little red boat.

When they were safely back on the boat, everyone was excitedexcited adj. 兴奋的. They all talked about their adventureadventure n.冒险经历.

“It's time to go back home, ” said RK-5.

They waved goodbye to the dolphins. After Leo pressed the buttons, there was a flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.

Within secondsecond n. 秒, they were back at Kim's house.

“That was fantasticfantastic adj.极妙的;奇异的! ” said Andy. “But I don't have a photo to remindremind v. 使记起 me of my time at the ocean.”

Bongo jumped onto Andy's lap and gave him a shellshell n. 贝壳 from the ocean. This would be a souvenirsouvenir n. 纪念品 of their exciting adventure at the ocean.